3 ways to add vitamin C to your diet when you have a busy lifestyle

Travel Essentials Travel tips

I have always been the type of person who has looked after his health and worked towards building a lifestyle that is sustainable. I’m always on the lookout for how I can be healthier, stronger and aid my body and its immune system to function properly.

Recently, I was helping my son with his studies when we came across Vitamin C and how it benefits the body. It reminded me of all those times when my mom, a science educator, would ask us to consume Vitamin C-rich foods, especially during weather changes and winter.

After my son had finished his … Continue Reading

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Maintain strength and Immunity through good nutrition #ensure #immunity

As you age, maintain your strength and immunity through good nutrition


2020 was a year of changes, self-realization, and transformations. As a family, we always focus on the right diet but visible gaps existed. We started to work on the daily intake of Vitamin C and re-worked on the requirement of micronutrients like Zinc, Selenium. The whole focus seems to have shifted towards nutrition, along with regular indoor workouts and relieving stress, for better strength and immunity. Moreover, being in the mid-’30s with the mindset of “aging healthily”, boosting the body’s natural defenses became a priority. With a whole lot of changes in the lifestyle, we decided to read more on … Continue Reading

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How to spot allergens and stay healthy?


It all started while I was doing my graduation. I had a severe confrontation with sneezing, irritable eyes, and sinus that continued for more than 20 days during the spring season. Things went back to normal soon after. The next year during the same phase, I started to witness the same allergic reaction and this time for more than a month. It seemed agonizing, as even the anti-allergic medicines prescribed by my physician didn’t seem to work. I got myself tested for the allergy (prick testing) and it came out to be a Pollen allergy, precisely ragweed allergy.

That was … Continue Reading

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